Price List 2023-2024

Preparation: The following costs are on the unwashed incoming weight of your fleece.

Skirting- $25/per hour. Please skirt your fleece well before sending it in to be processed. This is very time consuming, and I charge $25/hour for each fleece that needs skirting.

Washing (average grease/dirt)- $8.00/lb. incoming weight. This includes most fleeces in the grease with average dirt.

Washing (extreme grease/dirt)- $9.50/lb. incoming weight. This would be extra greasy fleeces such as Merino, Bond, Cormo, etc. and very dirty fleeces.

Processing: The following costs are based on the finished weight of your clean fleece. This is the weight of the final product.

Pick and card average fleece: Batt or loose roving $13.00/lb.

Pick and card average fleece: Center-pull bump $14.00/lb.

Pick and card fine wool and exotics*: Batt or loose roving $16.00/lb.

Pick and card fine wool and exotics*: Center-pull bump $17.00/lb.

*Exotics include Alpaca, Llama, Mohair (based on finished weight)

FOR EXAMPLE: You send in an 8 lb. Merino fleece.
It is washed at $9.50/lb. X 8 lbs. for a total of $76.
After loss in washing due to lanolin, dirt, VM, etc. you now have 5.5 lb. of clean fleece to be further processed.
Your clean fiber is picked, and carded into center-pull bumps. The final product weight is now 5 lb. Center-pull bump $17/lb. X 5 lb. equals $85.
The total cost for washing and processing your 8 lb. Merino fleece is $161.
Washing $76 + Processing $85 = $161.
All sales/services are subject to California sales tax.

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